Title: My Thirteenth Winter: A Memoir
Author: Samanthat Abeel
AR Level: 7.1
Points: 9
This is a beautifully written book about a girl that struggles with being a wonderful writer, highly creative, loved by her peers and teachers, but suffers from a complete lack of understanding of math. Her fear leads to panic attacks and social withdrawl from her peers. Once Samantha is diagnoised with a math learning disablilty the weight of the world is lifted from her shoulders. Special education classes becomes a saving grace for her.
This is a book that should be read by every teacher. The insights is provides into the mind of struggling students helps to put all we do in perspective and the need to see each student as an individual.
This is the book I finished over Thanksgiving Break. What have you been reading? Share with us!!
1 comment:
Mrs. Platt:
Thank you so much for your post about this book. It sounds like one I need to read as I too have a daughter that has had issues with math. Through much effort and because I think she is really very smart, but just learns differently, she is having a positive 9th grade experience this year in math. It has taken 6 years to get to this postive point and every effort along the way has been worth in as a result.
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